
Tips for Distance Learning Students

On July 21, 2020, Mayor Latoya Cantrell announced that the New Orleans schools will begin learning outside of the classroom with virtual distance learning. The staff members at all of the schools will be at the schools and details are still to come. Assessments will be made in August to determine if kids can go back to school after Labor Day.

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So, this means hold off on getting the supplies, uniforms and backpacks, and look into what can help facilitate the virtual learning for your children.

Distance learning or virtual learning male student | New Orleans Local

Distance learning is a method of remote education without a regular face to face in person teaching concept. There are a variety of different types of distance learning that include virtual group live meetings, one on one teacher meetings, pre-recorded videos and assignments,  telephone conversations, and other online resources.

Benefits of Distance Learning:

  1. Safety – Distance learning allows for students to be in a safe environment in their homes until schools are ready to open.
  2. Flexible Study Time & Location – Students can study and do their work when they want to and where they want to. This can take away some of the stress and can also give students the freedom to learn at their on pace during the day.
  3. Save Time: There is a lot of time spent for all students and parents go back and forth to school. If the school day starts at home, you don’t have to spend 15 minutes to an hour driving. Plus, students can even start their school day out in pajamas which gets rid of any push back about uniforms or the attire for the day.
  4. Parents’ Advantages: For parents who are more comfortable with their children studying at home, distance learning is a great option. It allows parents who work from home to also work with their children and guide them throughout the virtual learning process.

Disadvantages of Distance Learning:

  1. Distractions – Many students need to be in a classroom to learn and can be highly distracted at home.
  2. Technology – Distance learning will require technology from computers to the internet. This will not only increase costs, but also may not be available for some students.
  3. Quality of Education can be Reduced: There will be a learning curve not only for the students, but also the teachers and the parents. This can reduce the quality of the overall education for the students.
  4. Socializing Losses: Students of all ages enjoy socializing and working together at school. In distance learning, there is no in-person socializing and it can only be done virtually.
  5. Parents’ Disadvantages: For parents who prefer in-person learning for their children, distance learning is not ideal. It makes it more difficult for parents who are working and for children who need more specialty help in learning. Parents who must go to work will encounter a huge problem with distance learning.

School, Distance Learning

So, as we all enter the “new normal,” we hope that New Orleanians can work together to make the best of some of these challenges that are approaching. What are your plans for your children? Are you looking forward to distance learning? Do you support in-person only education?

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