Rosie Tran and Friends at Comedy House NOLA

Comedy House New Orleans 609 Fulton Street, New Orleans, LA, United States

New Orleans native and beloved comedian Rosie Tran is back in her hometown to headline this special Thursday night show. The stand up comedian, writer, and actress has toured internationally, …


NOLA Vegan Chef Challenge

Join us September 1-30 for an entire month of NEW vegan options all over New Orleans! During this time, restaurants throughout the NOLA area will feature special vegan menu items. …

The Sixth Annual New Orleans Tattoo Arts Festival

New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center 900 Convention Center Blvd, New Orleans, LA 70130, Louisuina

Attention tattoo collectors! The event for you is here: Villain Arts is back for the Sixth Annual New Orleans Tattoo Arts Festival! Come to the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial …

$1 – $40

The 10th Annual Curtain Call Ball

Le Petit Théâtre Du Vieux Carré 616 St Peter St, New Orleans, LA, United States

Le Petit Theatre will kick off our 108th season with our annual Curtain Call Ball on Friday, September 6, at 6:30 pm at Le Petit Theatre and Tableau restaurant. We …

$150 – $250
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