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Phase 3.3 Here We Come

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On November 11, 2020, the New Orleans area will enter Phase 3.3. This means that bars will now be able to have indoor bar capacity and the size of both indoor and outdoor gatherings will increase in size limits. Learn more about all of the details of Phase 3.3 below: 

NOLA Ready Logo - Phase 3.3

Phase 3.3 Rules Overview

Masks Required

  • Masks are required in public.
  • Masks are required when around anyone outside of your household. 
  • Masks are not required when engaged in outdoor personal exercise, athletic competition, or when actively eating or drinking. 

Social Distancing Required

  • All activities allowed in Phase Three must include strict social distancing.
  • Businesses, residents, and visitors should ensure 6 feet distance between groups of people who do not live together

Gathering Sizes

  • Indoor social gatherings are limited to 100 people during Phase 3.3
  • Outdoor social gatherings are limited to 150 people.
  • Masks and social distancing required.
  • Gatherings not at a permitted special event venue must obtain a special event permit from the City.

Open Safely

  • During Phase 3.3, all businesses and organizations in Orleans Parish must register with the Louisiana State Fire Marshal at opensafely.la.gov to receive sector-specific guidelines for reopening and a certificate of Acknowledgement of Registration, which must be posted at all entrances.

Live Entertainment And Special Events

  • Indoor live entertainment only allowed with a special event permit at certain venue types during phase 3.3. 
  • Indoor live entertainment is not allowed at bars or breweries.
  • Singing, karaoke, and wind-blown instruments are prohibited indoors.
  • Outdoor live entertainment is only allowed with a special event permit
  • Special events and live entertainment permits should be submitted no less than 7 days before the planned event during phase 3.3. These permits will be offered without fee if the venue hosting the event has already otherwise paid for the entitlement, including holding an active mayoralty permit.

Alcoholic Beverages

  • Alcohol sales at restaurants must be accompanied by food sales.
  • Restaurants and event venues can serve alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m.
  • Restaurants, bars, and event venues can serve to-go alcohol between 8 a.m. and 11 p.m.
  • Packaged liquor sales in the French Quarter and CBD (Mississippi River, the center line of Esplanade Ave., the center line of Rampart St., and the center line of Common St.) limited to the hours of 8 a.m. and 11 p.m.

Allowed to open at 75% Capacity

Find out everything that is going on throughout New Orleans during Phase 3.3 and beyond at NewOrleansLocal.com

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