Build And Boil

The Second Annual Build And Boil will be taking place on Saturday, May 15, 2021, from noon until 4pm at 2801 Marais Street. Twelve teams will boil up more than 900 pounds of crawfish for guests to enjoy. “Rebuilding Together New Orleans (RTNO) was founded in 1988. Our goal is to improve the quality of life of low-income homeowners, particularly those who are elderly, disabled, veterans, or single head of households with minor children.” (Website). In 2019 the very first annual Build And Boil Block Party helped six homeowners within New Orleans. This year the group hopes to help even more.
Second Annual Build And Boil Details
The Second Annual Build And Boil will take place from 12-4pm on Saturday, May 15, 2021, at 2801 Marais Street in New Orleans. Online Wristband Sales are available for $30 until 5/14/21. All wristbands includes All-You-Can-Eat Crawfish (while supplies last) & 2 beer tickets. On the day of the event, the wristbands will be $35 All-You-Can-Eat Crawfish, $10 Single Serving Crawfish Tickets (approx. 2lbs with fixin’s), $3 Beer Tickets and $1 Soda and Water Tickets. Get your tickets – HERE.
Rebuilding Together New Orleans is committed to holding a safe event that meets all potential city and state COVID-19 restrictions. Given the fluid and frequent changes to these guidelines, if we are unable to gather as planned, the boil portion of the event will be reformatted as a drive-thru with limited boil team space. In accordance with Rebuilding Together’s volunteer guidelines, all project sites will be capped at 10 volunteers.
All event-goes should review the safety information (left) before registering a team or participating.
We have taken enhanced health and safety measures for the protection of our staff, homeowners, and volunteers. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. Those who do not comply with posted health and safety measures will be asked to leave.