
Cabin Fever? We’ve Got Your Family Covered

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Now that we are all at home practicing “Social Distancing,” we have encountered a new problem: Cabin Fever. Cabin Fever takes on a whole new meaning to those of us with kids at home. Between the home schooling and the “I’m Bored” times of the day, it is important to find some fun things to entertain the little ones. Don’t worry, we have plenty of fun things to help with the cabin fever.

10 Fun Cabin Fever Cures:

Go On An Indoor Picnic – “I’m going on a picnic, and I am bringing…” Yep, this is how it starts. First, grab a sheet and head to the living room. Next, ask your fellow picnickers, one by one, to start calling out what s/he wants to bring to the picnic. If you agree to the item, let him or her go get it and bring it back to the picnic. After you have all of the goodies for your picnic, you can start enjoying the picnic. Don’t forget to play “I’m finished with my picnic, and I am putting up…” This can be hours of fun and everything can be nice and neat after you are done.

Cabin Fever Cures - Fort | New Orleans Local

Fort Time – Have you ever made a fort? I know that I did when I was a kid, under the dining room table, in a closet, or even a cardboard fort. Depending on what you have in your house, there are a variety of ways to make a great fort. You can use sheets, blankets, cardboard boxes, and pillows. You may even have some extra amazon boxes ready to go right now, so let’s do a little bit of up-cycling.

Ah Matey, Let’s Go On A Treasure Hunt –  This is pretty easy and it could last a long time if you hide a bunch of items. Select the items that you are going to hide around the house. Consider hiding between 10 and 20 items. Don’t forget to write yourself out a treasure map so you don’t forget where you put them. Then, let your little ones go hunting.

Cabin Fever Cures - dog treats & Training | New Orleans Local

Sit, Rollover, Shake – Pet Training – Now that you have some extra time on your hands, you can spend a little of it trying to train your pet. This is great for the kids to help out with too, maybe even worth of delegating the entire task. If your dog doesn’t know how to sit and shake, give it a try. Treats are very important part of this process, so you will need some or, don’t forget, you could make the treats yourself. Now, if you have a cat, this could be a little harder. But, haven’t you seen videos of cats actually using the toilet? If you want to give it a try, please send us the videos.

Attentions Chefs, It’s Baking Time – This is the perfect class because kids will have to measure and follow a recipe. The best part it is fun. You can make cookies, brownies, cakes and more. Don’t forget you can also bake for your dogs and cats too. If you want to increase the math part of this class, double the recipe. This will make it a little bit more complicated when measuring all the ingredients.

Cabin Fever Cures - Easter Crafts | New Orleans Local

Make Easter Crafts – Easter is on its way and it looks like all kids will be stuck at home for the holiday. So why not do some arts and crafts? One of my favorite arts an crafts for Easter uses toilet paper rolls. Perfect right? Click HERE to see how to make your very own Floral Egg Holders.

Write a Real Letter – Writing a letter may be from a bygone age, but it is a great learning tool for kids. Think about writing a letter to your friends about what you’ve been doing since school shut down. Maybe write a letter to your teacher thanking them for all their hard work. Why not write a letter to your parents thanking them for all their help at home? Anything will work, plus the kids get to practice writing.

Spring Cleaning – Well, since it is spring, let’s clean..EVERYONE. Everyone is at home, especially the kids, so use this great opportunity to straighten up, gather old toys and clothes for donations, clean the attic and the garage. It may not sound like a lot of fun, but it is productive.

Cabin Fever Cures - Paint | New Orleans Local

Paint Party – You can grab some canvases, paints, and brushes and have your very own paint party right at home. You can even invite friends to digitally join you as you paint at home. This is fun for people of all ages.

Learn another language – Have you ever wanted to learn another language? Are your kids taking Spanish or French in school? You can learn the language by helping your kids, but you can also take learning to another level. Try Duolingo or other programs that offer language classes. Who knows, by the time we are allowed to leave our homes again, you may be speaking a new language.

We have lots more fun things to do and learn while at home, check back for more great ideas.

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