
Reward Offered: Have You Seen These Dogs?

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Right now a Washington Parish dog owner together the the Humane Society of Louisiana are offering an $800.00 reward. They are looking for anyone who can return his two missing dogs. The pit mixes, Clue, age 1 1/2 , and Lillie 3 ½ years,   have been missing since October 25th, according to Jessie Morton. After talking to neighbors Morton found out that hat five others reported their dogs missing. This means a total of at least seven dogs went missing during the end of October and early November of this year. This happened in an are off Hwy 424 and Johnnie Martin Road near the townships of Franklinton and Pine.

Morton has now involved the authorities to find his missing dogs including the Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office.

“We are deeply disturbed to hear that both Lillie and Clue are unaccounted for and that several more dogs from the same neighborhood are missing, as well. This many dogs missing from the same neighborhood is not coincidental, and they all may have been stolen for nefarious purposes. We are hopeful that anyone with information on the whereabouts of these dogs will immediately contact Mr. Morton or our group,” – Jeff Dorson, HSL Director.

Mr. Morton says his dogs saved his life after he was diagnosed and treated for cancer.

 “After getting a tumor weighing a  pound removed from my right shoulder and tumorous tissue removed from my left femur and a rod screwed into it, my dogs helped me heal and recover.  Lillie and Clue wouldn’t let me lay there, give up and die. They gave me the strength and will to fight cancer and deal with the chemo treatments.  I owe them my life. I will look for them for the rest of my life.” Jessie Morton, dog owner

About The Dogs Lillie & Clue

Lillie is white pit/boxer mix. She has some blue on her ears and on the side of her face. She also has two blue spots on the back of her neck and a blue spot at the top of her tail. Her black nose looks like the shape of a heart. She weighs around 50 pounds.

The white male pit/boxer mix with one brown ear is Clue. He has a brown nose and crystal blue/green eyes. He weighs around 90 pounds.

If you know where Lillie or Clue are, please call Jessie Morton at 985-526-0617 or email the Humane Society of Louisiana at

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