Sista Strut 2020

Due to the ongoing concerns with COVID-19, like most things these days, Sista Strut will look a little different this year! This year, In true New Orleans’ fashion, they plan to host a “Sista Strut Drive Through Car Parade”!
Everyone that registers for the event will still receive their Official Sista Strut T-shirt (and bag where applicable), as well as an official participant number for your car dash……and of course all the great sponsor giveaways!
You are encouraged to decorate your cars, as the best “Best Decorated Car” will receive a trophy!
Station talent will be on site cheering you on and sponsors will have goodies to hand out as you drive through the designated parade route!
This revised plan will allow Sista Strut to support the cause, our non-profit charity: The American Cancer Society, as well as our survivors and sponsors. Everyone is welcome, but only registered participants will get all the goodies (hence the numbers for the dash board).
Sista Strut too concerned with everyone’s safety to comfortably host the walk this year, but plan to bring that back bigger and better than ever next year! In the meantime, join us anytime between 10am and 12noon on October 3rd at City Park’s Festival Grounds for the “Drive Through Parade Event” and support our Sistas in this unprecedented time.
Please check back to for more details.