Since we are still in Phase 2 and it looks like we will stay in this phase of the reopening process a little bit longer, our event organizers are becoming creative. Music venues are not allowed to open during Phase 2 so why not drive to your next concert? The NOLA Drive-In Summer Concert Series at the UNO Lakefront arena will give you the opportunity to enjoy some much needed life music while staying safe.
It offers an opportunity to enjoy live music while maintaining safe social distancing guidelines.
The series, which is put on by Voodoo Fest producers, kicks off on Friday, July 10th with Tank and the Bangas performing. The next concert will be a week later on Friday, July 17, 2020 and the NOLA Drive-In Summer Concert Series will come to an end on July, 24th, that night.
You can buy a pass for one car for $100, VIP car passes will cost you $135.
For more information and to buy tickets visit: https://thenoladriveinpaypal.frontgatetickets.com/

What You Need To Know About NOLA Drive-In Summer Concert Series
Organizers want to make sure everybody is social distancing, that’s why they have implemented new rules for the NOLA Drive-In Summer Concert Series. When you arrive, show your print-at-home ticket or your phone to the attendant for scanning. You do not even have to roll your window down to get scanned. The attendant will then show you your parking spot.
Each 20ft x 17ft parking spot will have clearly labeled boundaries that include dedicated tailgating space to hang outside of your car, as well as a 6 foot buffer between you and your neighbors, keeping everyone at a safe social distance during the NOLA Drive-In Summer Concert Series.
To find out more what the organizers of the NOLA Drive-In Summer Concert Seriesare doing to keep you safe, visit: https://www.voodoofestival.com/