Let’s Talk About Human Trafficking Series- JLNO

The Junior League of New Orleans (JLNO) will launch “Let’s Talk About Human Trafficking,” an educational series that is free and open to the public. The three-part online educational series is supported by Women United, an organization that supports the unique health and human service needs of women and children in Southeast Louisiana. The Series will begin on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, at 6PM CDT.
This informative series was developed to educate JLNO members and the Greater New Orleans community about he prevalence of human trafficking on the local level. According to JLNO, in 2019, the organization adopted the ABOLISH Movement initiative and held its first public panel discussion, in collaboration with Eden House, Covenant House and Truckers Against Trafficking. JLNO aims to raise awareness for and support the organizations in New Orleans that are working tirelessly to combat trafficking.
Below are the topics covered and the dates and times:
Human Trafficking 101 – Thursday, November 10, 6 p.m.
This introductory and participatory session will help attendees understand the types of trafficking and how the crime impacts people in the city of New Orleans. This session will feature Leanne McCallum, current Strategic Projects Manager for Louisiana Alliance of Children’s Advocacy Centers. Additional speakers to be announced.
Register: https://www.jlno.org/human-trafficking-101/
How to Talk to Your Children About Human Trafficking – Tuesday, December 8, 6 p.m.
Talking to your children about the issue of human trafficking can be difficult to navigate. In this session, the following speakers will help attendees prepare for this conversation: Maria Isabella Pontoriero, Human Trafficking Social Worker for the Audrey Hepburn CARE Center and Forensic Interviewer for the New Orleans Children’s Advocacy Center; along with Jennifer Best, LPC, Clinical Care Manager for Eden House.
Register: https://www.jlno.org/talk/
It’s Time to Take Action: How We Can Fight Human Trafficking –Tuesday, January 19, 7:30 p.m.
The final session in the series, held during Human Trafficking Awareness Month, will build off of the previous two talks and focus on what we can do as a community to combat trafficking. Attendees will learn about anti-trafficking efforts happening locally and receive advice on how to be advocates.
Learn more: https://www.jlno.org/action/
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