Right now, in-person playdates are a big no-no, but this is very hard for children who are missing their friends to understand. Staying at home day after day is difficult for adults, imagine how hard it is for kids? Don’t worry too much because there are lots of other options for kids to do together. So let’s explore some virtual playdates we can all do together, virtually.
Caribu – https://caribu.com/
Caribu is a fun app that works for kids playdates and grandparents’ playdates too. It is a video-calling app that integrates children’s books and activities. There are over 1000 playdate fun things to do with the Caribu App. This app is being offered for free right now to help all the kids to keep learning and connecting with the friends while they are out of school.
Netflix Party – https://www.netflixparty.com/
Do you want to go to the movies together? The Google Chrome Extension is the perfect way to watch the latest movies and shows at the same time no matter how far apart. Don’t worry, this is FREE to download on Chrome browsers on desktop and laptop computers. The program also has a group chat window so that all the virtual movie goers can message each other too.
Marco Polo – https://www.marcopolo.me/
Do you remember playing Marco Polo as kids? Well, things have changed a little but the game remains the same. The Marco Polo App combines texting, social media and video chats all into one easy to use app for your Virtual Playdates. You can chat and play live in a group, but if the person is not available, the app records the message for them to view later. This app does not sell user data for advertising. The app is FREE but if you want the premium level it has a $9.99 monthly fee.
Messenger Kids – https://messengerkids.com/
Messenger Kids is a free video calling and messaging app for smartphones and tablets. Parents can control the contact list and the kids get to have fun during their Virtual Playdates. Family and kids can keep in touch with fun-filled features like filters, drawings, challenges and stickers. The App is FREE and available on iOS, Android, and Amazon tablets download.
Duo – https://duo.google.com/about/
How about keeping it real simple with just a nice video call for your Virtual Playdates? You can use this app to have a simple playdate where you can do arts and crafts together while on video. You can even go exploring together in each others homes through forts and playrooms. The Google Duo app allows smartphones, tablets, computers and smart displays to video call. It is FREE and really easy to use. Up to 8 people can get on the same video call at the same time and you can even send a video message. The calls stay private with end-to end encryption.