Assessment Rolls Opened For Hurricane Ida Relief

Assessor Williams: Assessment Rolls to be re-opened to provide for Hurricane Ida-related damage assessments
Period to submit evidence is September 23, 2021 – October 7, 2021
The Orleans Parish Assessor’s Office will re-open the assessment rolls to give property owners who suffered damages caused by Hurricane Ida the opportunity to receive damage-related reduction in assessments, announced Assessor Erroll Williams. While all residential property owners will automatically receive a five percent reduction due to properties being non-operational for weeks following the storm’s landfall, those with additional physical damages, as well as commercial properties, are encouraged to submit documentation of Hurricane Ida damages. The Hurricane Ida Damage form can be filled out and downloaded at beginning September 23rd.
Submissions must include documentation to support a damage claim, such as photographs, contractor estimates of repair, inspection report, damage appraisal, or a copy of an insurance claim. Property owners may submit a completed Hurricane Ida Damage form by:· Attaching it to an online appeal that can be submitted online. The appeal link will be on the homepage at· Scheduling a virtual, telephonic, or in-person meeting with a staff member at or by calling (504) 754-8811. Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Assessor Williams encourages property owners meet with staff by zoom or phone if possible.· By mailing the completed form and supporting documentation to: Orleans Parish Assessor’s Office, PO Box 53406, New Orleans, LA 70153.
While walk-ins will be seen on a first come first served basis as staff scheduling allows, property owners are strongly encouraged to schedule an appointment online at or by calling (504) 754-8811. The office locations are:· City Hall – Room 4E01 – 1300 Perdido Street, or· Algiers Courthouse, 225 Morgan Street “Please do not wait until the last minute to submit your Hurricane Ida Damage form or to schedule an appointment,” said Assessor Erroll Williams. “We have a very limited time frame. It’s important for residents to schedule an appointment as soon as possible to ensure they can obtain a damage-related reduction to their 2022 property assessment. We’re going to do everything in our power to make sure everybody who suffered these damages gets the damage-related reduction in assessment they deserve.” To receive a damage value for the 2022 tax year, all evidence of storm-related damages must be submitted to the Assessor’s Office no later than 4 p.m. October 7, 2021. All visitors to the Assessor’s Office will be required to take a temperature check upon arrival and must wear a mask for the duration of their visit.