Local News

Behind THE LENS episode 76: Past and present

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From schools to prisons, homes to businesses, there is nothing in our region that’s not impacted by the coronavirus. We’ll hear from Lens reporters, covering a community in crisis.

This week on Behind The Lens:

  • From schools to prisons, homes to businesses, there is nothing in our region that’s not impacted by the coronavirus. We’ll hear from Lens reporters, covering a community in crisis.
  • We get a situation report from infectious diseases physician MarkAlain Dery.
  • Author-historian John M. Barry talks about his research on the last great pandemic – how did society cope then?
  • And we’ll talk about the state of the news industry amid an economic catastrophe: Lens founding director Karen Gadbois and chief editor Charles Maldonado chime in.
  • Finally, we wrap up the hour with more great New Orleans music, this week by singer/songwriter Lynn Drury.
Tom Wright: Behind The Lens episode 76: Past and present

For more information visit: https://thelensnola.org/2020/04/10/behind-the-lens-episode-76-past-and-present/

Behind The Lens episode 76: Past and present by TOM WRIGHT
Background photo by Army Spc. Nathan Hammack, from Defense.gov

Behind The Lens is available on Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Play and Stitcher. We now broadcast the show on community radio stations 102.3 FM WHIV LP in Mid-City and 90.3 FM WAMF-LP in the Marigny. And we’re thrilled to link to the show from our new partners’ website, NewOrleansLocal.com.

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